

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited


HSBC Centre comprises three office buildings supporting the bank’s back-office operations and accommodating over 8,000 staff members, with certain offices operating around the clock. The original systems have functioned independently in these three buildings for over 18 years. HSBC has opted to transition to a BACnet system and is utilising their provided intranet to seamlessly integrate the Building Management System (BMS) online onto a single platform across the three buildings.

Project Objectives

The primary aim is to establish a comprehensive BACnet protocol platform across the three buildings at HSBC. By adopting the open BACnet protocol, the BMS platform will be able to efficiently perform monitoring, control, and alarm handling within a singular platform. In addition to the central control room, personnel will have the capability to monitor the BMS using their iPads and iPhones, especially during emergency situations.

Project Achievement

The three buildings were integrated into a single BACnet platform. The integration process encompasses various systems, including Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), power monitoring systems, plumbing and drainage (P&D), among others. As we understand the needs of the bank’s back-office operations which require to operate 24/7, we actively coordinate with the client regarding the work schedule to minimize the impact to the end-users. We achieved seamless integration (i.e., zero downtime) among the three buildings.